Friday, 21 December 2012

Web Conferencing: Engulf Engagement!

[caption id="attachment_719" align="alignleft" width="300"]Web Conferencing: Engulf Engagement! Web Conferencing: Engulf Engagement![/caption]

Web conferencing is tomorrow’s approximated job notch planned out to the very fine detailing as web 2.0 meets with unified communication science to trigger a gala event like an International Online Book Fair or Virtual Trade Fair, so to speak using visuals, audio integration & remote collaboration tools. Web conferencing is an integrated web browser based tool available as simply and conveniently as click-to-call technology but at the same time flavor the spirit of on-the-go communication for jet lagged protégé.

Web conferencing engulfs engaging senses vs. audio conferencing alone, improves the trainers flexibility in content delivery vs. on-demand e-learning options and live training content often demands significantly lesser prep & production time. The bottom line is changing time call for changing tactics.

Engaging conversational senses over your audio conference session not only propels dynamism in your conferences, web conferencing propels remote possibilities of unified collaborated actions using web-based tools that are easy, flexible and expendable.

An online training is doctored with pristine methodologically aligned interactive browser based tools for interactive & responsive remote live training simulations with physically attended trainees plus virtual attendees and preside the audio conversation using either PSTN network of dial-in access numbers connected to the conference bridge or IP based telephone using your regular desktop computer.

The edifice of web conferencing is more flexible, innovative and multi-dynamic as compared to its counterpart on-demand e-learning options and the ambit of content delivery including digital and social network media content amasses a larger dimension that needs significantly lesser prep including lesser production time as compared to physical boardroom or classroom attended training sessions.

Bridging the audio conversation atop the ongoing live remotely attended training session using computing matrix tools revered by web conferencing to expand infinite possibilities for a range of business entities in the merger of prospects and profits. The shapes of these web based conferencing tools are actionable into manifold custom purposes that are coherently dependable in the nature of your prerequisites.

The amalgamation of technology in the adversary of conference communication with the diversification of the state of virtuosity for corporate, SMB, firms, educational institutes, research & marketing firms, medical & healthcare facilities, BPO & data outsourcing companies, media & press networks and a range of other prime businesses or profit based entities across the globe for the cohesive merger of profit, purpose & possibilities.

Monday, 17 December 2012

VOIP Conferencing Solutions

[caption id="attachment_710" align="alignleft" width="300"]VOIP Conferencing Solutions VOIP Conferencing Solutions[/caption]

Conference calling has always been a means for business communication at large with dependencies ranging from the training department, marketing, sales, technology, product promotions etc. The list adds up to one too many more pristine order of professional conduct within the hierarchy of any enterprise, SMB or smaller business firms & consultants.

The nature of conference calling evolution is the epiphany of corporate of business communication for the collative merger of purpose over matter, judgment over strategies and roll outs over call-to-actions.

The advances of automated voice response system, also related as interactive voice response systems is the merger of new age technology set to replace traditional conference operators or moderators for corporate conference communications. The result is the cohesion of unattended conference calls or unscheduled on-demand reservation-less audio conferences.

Other primaries for the consideration of conference communication roll out by corporate, SMB, and smaller business firms inherits reasoning like increasing quality, reliability, cost savings and finally time savings above all agendas. However, telephone based conference communication can no way be related with the apprehension of a sole platform or factor for growing your business. It is actually just another medium that facilitates what businesses can merge via a group conversation over the phone bridging distances, travel time& physical efforts!

[caption id="attachment_713" align="alignright" width="403"]Conference Calling Conference Calling[/caption]

The notion of phone based conference calling in the apprehension of an essential business means of tool advancing the effectuation of conferencing solutions towards newer directions. These are collectively articulated with the arrival of web conferencing features as essential business tools. Then there was the evolution of Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) network and VOIP or Internet Protocol (IP) telephony platforms also revered as computer powered audio conferencing sessions to be more specific

These primary developments have merged potentials of immeasurable magnitude leading to greater manageability of conference calling solutions. In tandem with organizational cost cuts and in the purview of VOIP triggered audio conference sessions, the magnitude of cost savings can be measured with multipliable factors with the roll out of Internet Conferences.

The merger of cohesive factors of technologically advanced resolutions for the roll out of comfortable communication infrastructure network is the way in to the future of dynamic intent and productive renaissance. Yet many things remain unchanged even if the acme of technology literally knocking the doors of prospects & profits!

Phone based multi-party business based conference communications bridges remote conversations attended globally and is one such notion that many small firms, SMB and enterprise can apply with the measured assurances of cost cuts. The introduction of IP based VOIP conferencing is all set to be the new play in town!

Many businesses across the globe are in serious consideration to the motion of computer based audio conferencing configuration. The current order of arrangements for day-to-day communication and the effectuation of web conference technology tools in tandem with interactive visual communication are leading to be the greater mergers of prospect, purpose and propaganda.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Blackboard Environment Learning: The Way Forward!

[caption id="attachment_703" align="alignleft" width="330"]Blackboard Environment Learning: The Way Forward! Blackboard Environment Learning: The Way Forward![/caption]

Blackboard environment is the provisioning of study & learning materials in a virtual repository for online remote education or classroom management perspectives put into practice for the effective utilization of these invaluable resources across the web. The practical perspectives as to how a newbie in the online education field can about comprehend the registration, usage and activities pursued with the integration of blackboard environment technology is the agenda of this post.

Start with an extensive research over the Internet for the course or learning material that you are looking for using search engines and appropriate keywords that relates the subject that you want to pursue. By referring keywords, we mean the terms associated with the details of the course that you are looking for ranging from effective online training "like (online learning, online trainer)" to other conventional subjects like "computing education", "internet advertisements", "pay per click campaign", "programming lessons", "litigation case files", "corporate case studies" & etc.

Once you have finalized the chosen subject, register for the said subject from an online instructor or the professional educational institutes that offers online learning modules also referred as Blackboard environment learning. Register for the course by complying with the formalities required to facilitate your enrollment in their database to allow you to avail access to their online repository.

[caption id="attachment_704" align="alignright" width="604"]Blackboard Technology Sessions Blackboard Technology Sessions[/caption]

Based on forum-to-forum, your blackboard environment learning facilitator manages your application with various levels of authorization and approval before giving you access to their online information vault. The distribution of the learning materials or the structuring of the course material along with other features like assignments or related Q&A based quiz materials facilitated for the online course.

Depending on the subject of your online learning interest, collate more related information on the given subject by digging the web yourself or requesting assistance from your facilitator. They can refer you to concise platforms where the exact information based on your needs is available for your comprehension.

Most of these materials vary from eBooks; download-able files for podcast learning, etc are available with both free & paid options. However It is advisable here forth to not go for paid options of any online learning materials or repositories in relation to your blackboard environment subject before consulting an expert from an online education facilitator or related online forums.

Read more posts about blackboard environment learning here:

Sunday, 25 November 2012

VOIP Conference Dial-Out Calling via Short Message Service

[caption id="attachment_697" align="alignleft" width="504"]VOIP Conference Dial-Out Calling via Short Message Service VOIP Conference Dial-Out Calling via Short Message Service[/caption]

Cellular phone users across the globe are an intense proposition for any country and the intensity of mobile service provider competition needs no briefing. The demand is to not only attract the best in service & coverage but the amalgamation of new value added products constantly and maintain the standards of their network.

The rise in the adversary of unified communication technology especially the attire of audio conferencing is on an all time high. The demand of audio conferencing communication via mobile phone has its own limitation with the maximum of three-way conversation by one user. Of course, others in the conversation can again bring in two more participants on the ongoing mobile conference conversation.

Conferencing using a standard mobile phone using regular calling plan is indeed limited when it comes to the notion of comparing the same from the perspective of making a multi party conference call using the same device and yet yield manifold.

Instant SMS based audio conferencing services revivifies the consonance of the human endeavor in achieving the unperceivable logics of technological ruse on a role to merge limitless possibilities of corporate communication across the globe.

Technically, the service is as simple as sending a SMS to the USN platform of any mobile service provider to decipher the backend code that relays the details of the parties to be joiner into a conference call. Once the backend message is relayed and decoded, the USN platform furthermore initiates the outgoing calling to bring in all the scheduled participants intended to attend the scheduled multi party audio conference conversation.

One of the core possibilities merged by the advanced USN platform is the ability to interface and connect forthwith both TDM and VOIP network with mobile SMS services to initiate a remote mobile SMS triggered conference event. Intelligent, convenient and instant mobile SMS based conference solutions in the legacy of either TDM based MSC (Mobile Switching Center) as well as Soft Switch based MSC that is ideally to support VOIP trunks.

Jet lagged protégés are always short on time as their profile is as such that keeps them rolling one after another and for such a scenario which is again so practically endurable. With monotonous activities like sending an invitation to attend a scheduled conference call along with the details of the conference bridge and the credentials to join the conference at the scheduled hour.

With the introduction of advanced and convenient SMS based conference trigger under the network of USN platform that supports SMPP3.4 (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) protocol that plainly plays the role interfacing the audio conference event with external SMSC (Short Messaging Service Center).

This unique feature under the USN platform to support both Mobile Originating (MO) and Mobile Terminations (MT) traffic in real time to allow SMS powered audio conference users to simply send a SMS text message to the USN platform and allow the backend configuration thereafter to concierge users and attendees to be welcomed into the scheduled conference event.

Monday, 19 November 2012

ConferenceDairy.WordPress.Com: Rely on us for the right solution!

[caption id="attachment_690" align="alignleft" width="604"]ConferenceDairy.WordPress.Com: Rely on us for the right solution! ConferenceDairy.WordPress.Com: Rely on us for the right solution![/caption]

An entire communication chain of events that creates a flowchart of actions and strategies laid to practice by setting up a model that helps & ensures all expectations & product goals are met consistently. By chain of events, we refer to sales professionals and their plan of action to follow a clear-cut path for new customer acquisition through a process of fact-finding to proposing a solution through implementation in real time business practices.

The residual compensation of actions pursued by enterprise solution specialist to comprehend the stages of various business product life cycles followed by workforces and how advanced communication and unified conferencing plans establishes accountability so organizations could run their business goals & objectives with prime prudent purpose.

Technologies like real time post conference reports delivered via mobile messaging services and emails enhances client expectations with up-to-the-minute customer billing and other desirable enlisted during the customer acquisition process for any businesses availing teleconference products including audio, video & web conferencing technology.

Complete & detailed inventory of features associated with any of the mentioned products and solutions with 100% assured round the clock customer support to resolve any trouble tickets or queries pertaining to any conference communication products.

This will include assistance in relating history of orders for various clients & trouble tickets as well as other transactional activities pursued during a new customer acquisition process so that complete transparency of actions are followed to boost customer confidence in acquiring the desired communication services.

Dedicated support module integration by sales representatives with individual & consolidated customer information starting from the early days of seeking an appointment with a client to comprehending their telecom usage strategy and thereafter proposing how they can still better their existing arrangements pertaining to global unified communication solutions.

The variables of post conference reporting & notifications in simpler words are measures that will ensure that businesses are in sync with the conference services availed from any conference vendor and how better they understand the usage dynamics to quote the most feasible unified conference solution. offers an intuitive dependable conference account management vendors that allows you to schedule invite & monitor live conference calls via a browser based web account. With a customer-centric conference network solutions tailor made to suit your business requirements and product variables, ConferenceDiary.WordPress.Com leverages exceptional smart service policies that ensure uncompromising service delivery consistently.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Conferencing: The Global Trend for Effective Communication

[caption id="attachment_686" align="alignleft" width="289"]Conferencing: The Global Trend Effective Communication Conferencing: The Global Trend Effective Communication[/caption]

In today’s market, a phone call is no longer enough to satisfy your clients. The worldwide development trend has made it essential for businesses to have the aptitude to successfully converse with many of people at once despite of their position be it across state lines or across entire oceans. To accomplish something, businesses have to stay atop cutting-edge communications.

Audio conferencing solutions let companies get ahead by giving them the ability to communicate with multiple parties at once from any location at any time and control the conference session, dial out to participants, trigger another sub conference, view a list of conference attendees & much more.

Web conferencing solution adds more mileage by facilitating a range of user friendly tools to enhance interactive capabilities with features like Desktop Sharing, Share documents, Change presenter, one click recording, share keyboard & mouse control and more.

Video conferencing solutions integrated with browser based 16-way visual communication enabled without the need for any expensive hardware or network settings. Simply log in to the web conference online account management platform, and click on the “webcam” option to initiate video viewing as participants confer over the audio conference bridge.

Get integrated audio conferencing: Let meeting participants call a Bridge number or receive an automated call to the pre assigned number.

Deliver interactive training: Reach more & more people with online training and e-learning when you offer on-demand and live online classrooms in real-time.

Resolve technical issues faster: Increase productivity while you reduce support costs and increase customer satisfaction with both unattended and attended remote support.

Shorten your sales cycle: Connect with members of your sales team anywhere with dynamic online sales presentations and close deals faster.

Free your work force: All you need is a standard browser and telephone to take advantage of real-time data collaboration, audio conferencing. Meet with anyone, anytime, anywhere.
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Monday, 29 October 2012

Web 2.0 Conference Tools

[caption id="attachment_680" align="alignright" width="300"]Web 2.0 Conference Tools Web 2.0 Conference Tools[/caption]

The advent of web 2.0 conference tools accessible via any web browser has simplified the way we attend and host a conference event just like tweeting, mailing, chatting or updating your social network profile.

Entry / Exit notifications updating all sign in & sign off activities by both the conference host and the participants over a scheduled teleconference session with advanced options that could be configured to initiate the conference session only at the behest of the conference host. To counter such a situation, features like “Continue without Host” furthermore allow participants to start a conference call without the host or disconnect the host after a preset time. An ideal condition for operator assisted conference calls to connect and join different attendees at the behest of the conference client and disconnect from the call thereafter to maintain confidentiality and security covers.

Conference participants caller count allows the host and the participants to know if all the invited attendees have joined the meeting and if not then follow appropriate measures to update the interlopers or other attendees in general who could not join or is facing trouble in getting connected to the conference call session.

Most conference vendor today offer web 2.0 based non-downloadable version of live conference monitoring that features easy options to ON/OFF a conference session by simple buttons via a web account management console integrated with a host of other features like recording, mute/un-mute, hold/un-hold, lock/un-lock and more.

[caption id="attachment_682" align="aligncenter" width="579"]Online Meeting Tools Online Meeting Tools[/caption]

Recording features allows the meeting host to record the conference call including all three videoconferencing, web conference & audio conference portions respectively using simple Start Recording/Stop Recording buttons. Preserve the dynamics of the conference session to a much larger audience by having these recorded files uploaded on the web.

Features like On-Hold background music or short messages about the latest product updates etcetera is another convenient feature that offers the conference host to hold & un-hold a conference line during a live conference session and at the same time opens new variants of targeted advertising channels.

Lock/Unlock features allows the conference host to monitor all attendees from joining a live conference call using simple Web 2.0 tabs/widget/buttons/links as mentioned above. Muting a conference line is a feature available to conference host who can either mute a particular conference line as well as all the participant lines at one time. Conference host can furthermore hold/un-hold & mute/un-mute individual participant lines other than following the same for all the participants attending the conference call.

Caller Name allows the conference host to assign specific names to the participants by simply selecting & typing the name of the participants from the web browser customized live conference account management platform, which will remain active for the entire length of the conference session allowing all in the meeting to know all who have attended the scheduled conference call.

Interactive Q&A session features enables the conference host to interact live with the meeting attendees as well as cater to any request or clarification from any of the participants. During a live conference call with hand-raise, tools to indicate a participant’s query and click on additional advanced features like engaging the un-mute feature for all the other participants so that they may ask their questions.

Conference host could also drop an individual participant from a conference call by simply clicking on the participants name and disconnecting the participant’s conference line.

Post conference broadcast tools are a great favorite these days for one too many who could not attend a scheduled conference event and would still like to be updated on the dynamics of the conference discussion. With broadcaster tool, conference host can broadcast the recorded conference session including all three audio, video and web portion using simple drag & drop tools.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Blackberry Callback Apps: Save on International Calls

[caption id="attachment_675" align="alignright" width="300"]Blackberry Callback App: Save on International Calls Blackberry Callback App: Save on International Calls[/caption]

International Call Back Services collaborates in bridging remote conversations across your customers, colleagues and new prospects at rock bottom prices with a whole range of dependable variants suitable not just for your Blackberry smart phone but any other conventional mobile phone with data connectivity to trigger an instant international call.

The application is a simple easy to use international call back services trigger that guarantees a world of convenience and savings for all your international calls, more feasible well you are on the go, while you are on international roaming. The installation takes less than a second and once activated all your Blackberry contacts are configured automatically to trigger calls using the installed International callback app.

The next time you want to make an international call from your Blackberry, simply chose the desired contact from your Blackberry and trigger an international call back to your default call back number. Once the call is answered on your end, you will be instantly connected to the desired destination number and thus allowing you to save a fortune for all your international calls.

And if you are not using a Blackberry, no worries; simply visit a web URL from your mobile phone browser, sign in to your account and trigger an international call back in just seconds!

Simply add the desired contact number in the required field and trigger an instant call back to your mobile phone or any other number including land-line phones and thus save a fortune on your international calls. The value variable with callback services captivates one too many attributes for pursuance and here below we have highlighted some of the primaries international calling services from your Blackberry smart phone:

  • International Call Back Services

  • Easy to Install Blackberry Phone Application

  • Non-Blackberry Version too is available

  • Mobile Browser Based with web URL

  • Cuts down International call charges by over 75%

  • PC-to-Phone at Affordable Call Rates

  • Rock bottom prices for International Calls while roaming

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Skullcandy Supreme Sound Series only @

Skullcandy Supreme Sound Series only @ unleashes the wicked stuff for the revolution to gear motion for a whole new dimension of sound quality boosted by craftily created design elements.

Be it the Hesh 2.0 or the Aviator sonic mic’d series; Skullcandy Supreme Sound is here to redefine music to its very forte of originality, ingenuity & uniqueness.

Upbeat awesomeness rhymes the hymns for the parson; the cult of Skullcandy fans envisions the dawn of a whole new listening experience as the revolution enters the dimensions of a brand new future where the forte of technology unleashes the sonic possibilities of impossible endeavors. And with the spirit of these enthusiasms from the youth Skullcandy Supreme Sound, you for one must try it to believe it!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Strategize your Virtual Office 2 Strategize your Business Globally

[caption id="attachment_664" align="alignleft" width="300"]Strategize your Virtual Office 2 Strategize your Business Globally Strategize your Virtual Office 2 Strategize your Business Globally[/caption]

State-of-the-art professional virtual receptionist services for all your incoming business calls to give your business bigger dynamic profile with intelligent features to transfer calls to staff or workforces anywhere within the US and over 36 countries in across 1000 destinations.

Get your business local toll & toll free number or use your current business number to offer personalized automated greetings to callers and direct them through a network of extensions as per the hierarchy of your business or by name and voice-mail inbox identified again by name or by department.

With integrated “Find Me Follow Me” technology, track your availability to your current business number starting from your office phone to your home or cell phone.

Configure your phone extensions configured via IPPBX solutions to track, accept or send voice mail messages from your mobile phone while you are on the go and never miss an important phone call ever again!

Customize your business phone system, develop professional outgoing greetings, program your receptionist and more using existing local toll or toll free numbers or choose a new one from across 36 countries globally and create your virtual business presence from your current physical business base.

Hosted virtual IP PBX phone system auto attendant and complete VOIP compatible network solutions for unified communication over your existing network settings with powerful web based control panel with a range of toll free number to international toll & toll free business number solutions integrated with professional virtual receptionist services.

[caption id="attachment_665" align="alignright" width="300"]Email Callbacks aka Email 4 Callbacks Email Callbacks aka Email 4 Callbacks[/caption]

Give your business the international edge with local business numbers in over 100+ prime international metropolitan location and forward all incoming calls to your current phone system network through intelligent VOIP PBX phone system. Integrated direct inward dialing numbers technology and attire your IP PBX phone to work just like another day at the office without any need for special equipments to purchase.

Get a free assessment & consultation from experts on custom PBX solution setup and virtual hosted PBX products including configuration and feasibility of toll free and vanity numbers for your business.

Intelligent Find Me / Follow Me Services hosted remotely with your PBX phone system integrated with advanced call forwarding services and blend in the perfect solution for clients who are constantly on the go.

With powerful automated attendant solutions integrated with voicemail features hosted with customizable branding based connotation depending on the aesthetics of different businesses to configure all incoming calls to an extension, group, call queue or cell phone and new age gadgetries like an iPad or an iPhone via voicemail inbox mailing services.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Multipoint Video Conferencing

[caption id="attachment_659" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Multipoint Video Conferencing"]Multipoint Video Conferencing[/caption]

Web based multiparty video conference solutions uniquely deploy high-performance projectiles of new found power mergers for your business and the goal is to identify the structure of business units, be it SMB, SME or a large enterprise. In addition, rich variants like point-to-point and Multipoint video conference solutions add more to the clause of a feasible and an unparalleled communication bridge.

Multiparty video conference bridging services between two or more video nodes at dedicated high-speed ISDN or IP networks is based on the architecture of integrated point to Multipoint services that are ideal for online learning lectures and video training broadcasts, virtual training sessions, product launches and demonstrations, online promotions and events, virtual press conferences, webcast sessions, e-learning and online distant education.

Large party conferences for businesses are ideal for interaction where participation is anticipated from each attendee to discuss everyday agendas ranging from sales reviews, staff meetings, board meetings customer – vendor training sessions and more multi point services with visual architecture at each end of the conference line.

Point-to-Point Services in reference are the ideal means of instant one-on-one interaction from attendees from every corner of the globe to conduct small conferences, interactive visual interviews for remote candidates, customer – vendor meetings, legal depositions, remote troubleshooting & more.

[caption id="attachment_660" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Point-to-Point Videoconference"]Point-to-Point Videoconference[/caption]

High-quality audio & video conference sessions today is the order of many SMB and large enterprises businesses with global workforce, customers, vendors, partners and are changing the very nature of communication within any conventional office spaces. Point-to-Point & Multipoint Video Conference Solutions are quintessentially simpler in the purview of remote global conversations, remote controlled collaborated presentations, and score more effectiveness & purpose as compared to a regular phone based audio conference communication channels for businesses across the globe.

Teleconferencing as some may refer or audio conference solutions and their counterparts web conferencing integrated with video conference science is the future for businesses, online education & unified communications. Deploy a virtual environment in just seconds to conduct rich interactive video-based discussions, corporate boardroom presentations, intelligent visual & data transmission for online meeting activities using features like document sharing, desktop sharing, remote presenter controls, annotation & whiteboard tools.

[caption id="attachment_661" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Multiparty Video Conference"]Multiparty Video Conference[/caption]

Deploy stimulating, engaging activities like online on-demand polling between the meeting attendees for various topics & subjects as the agenda of the conference session takes motion to drive purpose into profit. These intelligent Q & A sessions are very demanding in terms of execution and defining the sense of an agenda in accord with highly skilled conference operators offered by almost all conference vendors today for the sole purpose of hassle free smooth interactions

With dedicated port based services and dedicated seat based video conference solutions, large enterprise workforce resources are able to experience the spontaneity of exchanging thoughts & sharing ideas across business associates, colleagues, clients, etc together with the aid of unified conferencing platforms anytime, anywhere in an instant!

Sunday, 8 April 2012

The Many Advantages of Audio Conference Solutions

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="An overload of communications (Photo credit: windsordi)"]An overload of communications[/caption]

Audio conference solutions opportune the motion of change and drive for excellence in the way businesses communicate with internal work forces, partners & affiliates and global workforces. The roll out of audio conference communication for different businesses helps create different perspectives of solutions, each meant to affix a dedicated channel of communication.

Conduct remote interviews with remote candidates and save a fortune on costs related to booking a location to conduct the interview and more such arrangements. Thus audio conference services today offers distant interviews and virtual contact opportunities with the sole objective to reduce cost and drive higher efficiency.

Get regular real time updates from customers and other who uses your products with a range of question & answer sessions conducted live during a conference event or pre-configure to start at the end of a conference call.

Audio conference events or sessions are business applications or tools used for management level discussions. Conduct regular meetings for all the latest product updates like an essential financial assessment by the board of directors that announces the financial results and reports for investor relationship management with cost controlled measures by inducting overseas consultants and analyst for an expert analysis for an organization.

Hold press release conferences for your customers, clients, peers, colleagues, investors about critical market updates and information or the launch of a new product or service. Under the purview of sales & management, the science of audio conference solutions is the bridge to get regular updates and the updated sales progress with weekly, monthly, bi-monthly intervals for product reviews and discussions.

Enable connotations of rich literary campaigns and proposition with the merger of online unified education collaboration offering distance learning programs, critical sales trainings, product briefing or an update on the latest corporate policies as well as other prime training simulations.

Conduct recurring team meetings to negate the need for any member, colleague, business partner / affiliate and others to travel from place-to-place for the roll out and discussion of project applications. Ordain the facilitation improved budget management tools to prepare financial budgets based on reports and discussion of previous conference calls & events.

These examples discussed over the following post are just the tip of the iceberg when we talk of the many advantages achieved with the roll out of conferencing sessions & events. Refer to the following posts for more insight on the various objectives met with the propagation of audio conferencing solutions.

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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Telepresence: The Surrogate Story

[caption id="attachment_637" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Telepresence: The Surrogate Story"]Telepresence: The Surrogate Story[/caption]

Life takes us with surprise everyday and in a world driven by newfound technological mergers and possibilities to shorten task, create ladders of success and checkmate the challenges in the lives of our everyday business chores. The demand and supply graph over the years is on a new inclination to merge the prospects of un-chartered territories of corporate endeavor, remote health programs and political discussions on a global stage, and more advanced fluid experience that are touching new heights every minute, every step of the way.

The demand graph is ever so demanding and the supply high-rise is constantly imitated with the advances of dynamic ad-hoc schedules making it difficult at times to meet all the demands of an important meeting, seminar or function. At the same time the compromises in not being able to attend the same is too big a quotient factor to be kept aside and thus in comes the new role, new challenges, new objectives to be checked and delivered in pristine condition.

Telepresence robot is the web surrogate of your virtual self, something that we have been relating for quite some time on many of our previous post. Your web surrogate meets the demands for you to be in different places at the same time and deliver all around with the same intensity of conviction, dedication and dynamism in meeting your goals.

[caption id="attachment_638" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Anybots Telepresence Robot"]Anybots Telepresence Robot[/caption]

With the demands so dynamic and prospects so promising, the only choice most end up with is the “pro-duo” inside you as the driving thrust to propel sprightly prosper down the inroads to new thinking to merge new solutions. The need to be at two or more places at the same time and handle each surrogate with the same intensity of panache, charm and “the you” that makes you “YOU”

The institution of a telepresence robot and telepresence technology to comply your presence whenever you are unable to be physically available for a scheduled conference event and these emerging dynamic trends have indeed taken the giant leap of progress under its palm for the world to be in their grasp literally!

Telepresence conference solutions are easy to deploy controlled with 100% efficiency in the ambit of Wi-Fi enabled remote controls and these are the scenarios where one can portray the role of a telepresence robot in your shoes. Delivering the same “YOU” virtually remotely to participate in discussions, presentations, corporate talk or just about any other aspects connected to your line of work in the vicinity of data connectivity via your laptop, smart phones, devices and more advanced gadgetries.
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Sunday, 4 March 2012

Why Law Firms Opt for Conference Communication Channels?

[caption id="attachment_628" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Conferencing for Legal Firms"]Conferencing for Legal Firms[/caption]

Conference communication channels for legal firms are delivered through advanced technology and subjective aspects of case assessments integrated with attorney/client document review by incorporating state-of-the-art technology platform under the purview of unified communication solutions.

Other primaries for the popularity of audio, video and web conferencing services are for document processing, online data hosting, attorney/client document review, document production and other services that legal firms must counsel for accurate results and predictability. Having access to these data virtually and integrating their availability for multiple remote discussions are some of the many essentials covered by addressing the right technology and support tools, where conference solutions merge multi-faceted attributes.

The widespread exercise of conferencing services by any legal entity is the ease of communication between remote clients, advocates & other associated parties for various discussions & depositions related to subject matters of extreme confidentiality.

The provisioning of a secure conversation channels that is not only efficient & cost effective for both parties including the legal team & the client are more reasons in the popularity of audio conferencing sessions that are furthermore personalized with a range of value added services like operator assistance, conference recording, web presentations across remote IP’s & much more.

[caption id="attachment_629" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Online Litigation & Deposition Filings"]Online Litigation & Deposition Filings[/caption]

Some of the subject matter perspectives that we have shortlisted from the many reasons for the rollout of conference communication channels by legal entities include:

  • Conducting live deposition meetings in real time with multiple remote parties

  • Offers an interactive connections to clients for legal advices

  • Enables elaborate discussion on various case studies to employ savings and travel time

  • Unified association with clients & advocates for provocative purpose driven discussions

  • Present a reputable brand image with customizable solutions within your ROI

  • Engages the clients avowal in your services under an innovative tech borne environ

  • Amplify the legal firm’s profile across the web with best practices & case studies

  • Magnetize new markets for the syndication of your professional services

  • Gain long term productive goals with case studies by recording the discussions

  • Upload non-private discussions & case studies available as downloads

  • Deploy cost effective web cast streaming for new prospects & legislation

  • Instant 1-on-1 interaction with clients & prospects to outline call-to-actions

  • Power lawyers interactive virtual tools to identify, reach and engage clients remotely

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Friday, 17 February 2012

Web Dial Out Conferencing Features

[caption id="attachment_623" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Web Dial Out Conferencing Features"]Web Dial Out Conferencing Features[/caption]

The most common means of attending or conducting a teleconference session is by picking up any phone, dial the conference access number and follow the IVR prompts to enter the conference room, better known as Dial-In conference access option. However, with web based dial-out option, attendees simply receive an incoming call initiated by the conference leader using the online conference manager.

Web based dial out has many advantages both for an individual or a group by ensuring that a participant does not miss a scheduled conference session by forgetting to dial in to the conference. Participants prefer the dial-out mode since the meeting attendees does not need to keep track of the dial-in number and has the flexibility to automatically enter a conference session without the need to punch any access or pass-codes. They simply receive a free incoming call (depending on your phone service provider) on their phone and answer the call to enter the conference session.

Monitoring the conference session is again a lot easier with dial out as each participant is assigned a name or label along with other features via the online conference manager. Conference leader signs in to the conference manager console and use their address book or outlook contacts or manually feed in the meeting attendees details with advanced options to trigger multiple dial outs. If your conference session includes the same group of participants on a regular basis, web-based conference dial out is again a convenient feature. The entire process to attend or invite an attendee in the conference becomes very easy & simple to understand.

Conference leader can trigger multiple blast dial-outs to all the meeting participants with just a single click. No operator or reservation is required to conduct the conference session and makes it easy to initiate a conference call on the go. The dial out feature mitigates issues like late logging in to the conference or the need to remember the dial in details and empowers the conference leader to control day-to-day conference calls on time.

Web-based dial-out further enables the conference leader to add more participants in an on-going conference session also referred as sub-conferencing and eliminates the need for any expensive hardware to make or attend the conference call. It is a great feature for participants from remote locations where they do not have any toll or toll free dial in conference access numbers to attend the conference session. Moderators or the conference leader can trigger a dial out to these participants and place them in the conference at no cost to the attendees, which is again a boon.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Conference Technology for Podcast Learning

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Podcast Capture[/caption]

The impact of your conference sessions successes are of high value to the entity you represent and are great assets loaded with rich information that are recorded stored and distributed across the web or straight to your iPod devices. This entirety in simple words is labeled with terms like podcast production, podcast broadcast, podcast learning and many more such variants each with their own structure and definitions of deliverance.

Having access to these rich web media collection dubbed with music in the background for an amazing podcast session while you are driving or times when you are more close to your secret enrolling for new study challenges. There is no end to learning in the most realistic sense and the drive to thrust through such illogical notions of “what to study more” or “why study more” or “oh! I had it good. Don't need more” and it goes on and on and I am very sure you all feel the same that most of us will say like “come on dude…..i had had my share of education……I have passed out of Harvard” or whatever!

The point is we are most likely to refrain from the very thought of more education. Most of you are surely smiling on this thought and what notch!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="250" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]English: Podcast or podcasting icon Français :...[/caption]

Podcast learning is intense stuff and goes good if you are pursuing online education. These recorded sessions are the tapes of information on course material, learning and more & more valuable information on various subjects & domains. We say so more likely for online educationists because at the end of the day, they are the likeliest in today's scenario who could sincerely consider an effort to collect these podcast based materials across the web in compatible .mp3, .avi, .wav & other audio format files and have them available at their behest!

We are talking about the fundamental perspectives of conferencing to propagate online learning by capturing and recording conference sessions in real time. Have these sessions available after suitable edits and addition of background music & other silver lining options & more across the web as downloads from web repositories straight to your pod devices and thus the attire called Podcast Learning.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Image by Frank Gruber via Flickr"]Podcast Listening[/caption]

You may furthermore relate the adoption & deploying adaptation of desktop based video conferencing fundamentals. Go further with the notions and appraisals for the regular if not mandatory aspects of recording your real time teleconferencing sessions or the web conference session or the entire video conferencing session that integrates audio and video conference sessions.

Podcast learning is deep!

Imagine the concept of relativity that we have just balanced by correlating the notion of conference technology usage or more specifically results based realization & the déjà vu of relating the institution of conference based promotions for the lateral preservation Podcast learning.
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Friday, 6 January 2012

Virtual Classrooms: Tips for Online Trainers!

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]English: Online Learning[/caption]

Most projected media used for your video conferencing teaching session relay a picture-on-picture box scenario on the same screen depending on the activity conducted at the trainers end and experienced at the receiving end of the trainee due to network or bandwidth transfer reasons. Make sure that you confirm consistently with your online trainee which of the files of these “boxes” on your screen is in contention based on the momentary subject being discussed at that moment. These can be the document camera, presentation player or any other media in use in real time as the trainer presides over the classroom session.

In the literal sense, continue the notion of the discussion immediately over to the next available option for live monitoring your conference participants via public chat over the web conference feature. Announce at once that you are experiencing audio or technical difficulties over the phone conference portion to everyone presiding over the conference, again including remote connections. These create a better sense of belongingness and a personalized experience helping you build a better relationship improving the teacher student communion.

Indoctrinate the routine of getting over with your online classroom session at the end of the scheduled time and avoid pursuance of any opportunity to continue the discussion beyond the class time. If you wish to encourage more keen participants after every scheduled classroom session, propose deliverance to such requirements by noting them down online or sharing those using tools such as the discussion board on your blackboard environment platform.

[caption id="attachment_595" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Virtual-Classroom-Tips-Conference-Diary"]Virtual-Classroom-Tips-Conference-Diary[/caption]

Its is naturally pertinent to avoid continuation with the conference discussion with your online classroom trainees until all issues pertaining to connection lag in the session is resolved first and restart thereafter. Continue with your presence and control of matters by marking your presence felt even when your attendees are experiencing first hand connectivity or audio distortion over the phone conference portion of the video conference enabled with video conferencing online classroom management including remotely.

Another important attribute or a standard compliance is follow an instant update process to notify your conference vendor instantly for the need in any shift of conference location controls over the call for any upload or presentation based requirements from your students end. Such an automated intelligent notification is bound to delight one too many.

Prioritize your priorities of sequencing ascending importance to issues like following sincere efforts of being available to calls for any scheduled or unscheduled hour and respond in quick time over student emails, forum posts and such related online activities pursued by the students to learn more about what they learned so far.
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